Retraining at the level of the higher education

On retraining persons with the higher education and students of full-time tuition of two last years and being trained in a magistracy of higher educational institutions are accepted.

Training duration, depending on the chosen specialty:

  • day form of 6-8 months
  • evening form of 10-16 months
  • correspondence and remote forms 18-22 months

*Without entrance tests
*Without examinations for tuition by correspondence

According to the Uniform qualification reference book of positions of employees of Republic of Belarus the DIPLOMA ABOUT RETRAINING allows to hold the positions demanding the higher education, according to the received qualification of retraining.

Teachers of MGUP, other higher education institutions, leading experts of the enterprises and the organizations of Republic of Belarus and other countries are involved in carrying out occupations.

Professional Development Institute carries out retraining in internal (day and evening) and correspondence (correspondence and remote) education forms on the following specialties:

Specialty Qualification
Accounting and control in the industry accountant-economist
Commercial activity on a commodity market of national consumption economist
Technology of fermentative productions and winemaking process engineer
Technology of chemical fibers process engineer
Technology of productions of baking, macaroni, confectionery production and food concentrates process engineer
Technology of storage and processing of milk and dairy products process engineer
Technology of storage and processing of meat and meat products process engineer
Finance financier
Examination of consumer goods commodity researcher expert

Arriving on retraining present to a selection committee:

The persons having the higher education Students of older years

— the statement addressed to the director of Institute of Professional Development
— copies of the document on the higher education with an extract of estimates in subjects;
— the copy of the passport (p. 30-32);
— 3 photos of 3х4 in size.

Documents can be submitted personally, by mail, by e-mail:

— the statement addressed to the director of Institute of Professional Development signed by the rector of higher education institution in whom the entrant is trained;

— 3 photos of 3х4 in size.

The passport or other identity card issued by bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is shown by the entrant personally.

Transfer on the chosen specialties is carried out to structure of listeners on the basis of the conclusion of the contract with legal and (or) natural persons.

Specialty: 1-25 03 75 Accounting and control in the industry

Qualification: accountant-economist
Education form: correspondence, evening, remote
Training duration: 18 months (correspondence, remote), 10 months (evening) 

The sphere of professional activity of the expert covers the registration, analytical and control and auditing activity provided by requirements of the legislation of RB. Graduates work as chief accountants and deputy chief accountants of the organizations of all forms of ownership, chiefs of managements of accounting and finance, auditing departments and managements, hold positions of heads of departments and experts in bodies of the state control and management.

Objects of professional activity of the expert are the procedures provided by the legislation connected with reflection, control and the analysis of economic operations with assets, obligations, the capital, calculations, the income and expenses in accounting and reporting system.

The graduate of specialty has to be competent of the following kinds of activity:

  • organizational and administrative,
  • registration and analytical,
  • control and auditing,
  • production and economic,
  • research,
  • innovative. 

The curriculum of this specialty provides studying by listeners of fundamentals of market economy and, in rather large volume, directly such disciplines of specialty: as economy and enterprise finance, accounting, the analysis of economic activity of the enterprise, audit and control, and also modern computer technologies, in particular, "The automated systems of processing of economic information (1C: Enterprise)". On a practical material of students train in technologies of conducting the automated accounting, techniques of formation of accounting and tax reports, maintaining registration registers and drawing up accounting calculations, carrying out the analysis and control of economic activity of the organization. The sufficient volume of a lecture and practical training on disciplines of the curriculum allows graduates of this specialty to adapt more successfully in modern conditions of managing, using the gained knowledge

Specialty: 1-25 04 71 Commercial activity on a commodity market of national consumption

Qualification: economist
Education form: correspondence, evening, remote
Training duration: 22 months (correspondence, remote), 16 months (evening)

The purpose of the educational specialty "Commercial Activity on a Commodity Market of National Consumption" is the training of specialists, gaining fundamental knowledge of formation of the commodity range, commercial examination of the range and quality of production, to studying of the market condition, able to determine its capacity and segments, to carry out calculations for justification of administrative decisions, to define degree of commercial risk and to take measures for its reduction, to operate technology of commercial activity, to reveal existing and potential possibilities of the enterprise in the market and to maintain its competitiveness. Especially actually today studying of forms and methods of sale of goods taking into account psychology of buyers, trade and technological processes in commercial activity, methods of definition and ways of ensuring efficiency of commercial activity, types of commercial projects and innovations, an order of their development and use for development of commercial activity.

Training of the specialty "Commercial Activity on a Commodity Market of National Consumption" promotes development of the skills allowing graduates of this specialty to provide functioning of subjects of market economy of all organizational and legal forms for the rational organization of commercial activity taking into account their branch, regional and nomenclature specifics; to be able to operate commercial processes, to build policy of purchase and sale of goods by means of controlling and modern technologies of marketing, management and logistics; to carry out forecasting of demand and the assumption for new goods, technologies and services; to optimize work on advance of goods and services in a domestic and foreign market.

In the course of training listeners study the following disciplines: "The economic theory", "Management bases", "Marketing and pricing", "Statistics", "Money, the credit, banks", "Economy and enterprise finance", "Commercial activity", "Accounting", "Taxes and the taxation", "The analysis of economic activity", "The organization and technology of trade", "Logistics", "Electronic commerce", "Management of sales", "Marketing in trade" and others.

Thus, the specialty "Commercial Activity on a Commodity Market of National Consumption" with qualification assignment "economist" will allow graduates to realize further himself in the sphere of commercial activity very widely developed in the republic. Graduates will gain necessary knowledge for opening of own business, and also will be able to work at trade enterprises and in divisions of other organizations providing commercial activity. The acquired profession will promote professional and career growth.

Specialty: 1-49 01 73 Technology of fermentative productions and winemaking

Qualification: process engineer
Education form: the correspondence
Training duration: 22 months

The specialty "Technology of Fermentative Productions and Winemaking" is focused on the spirit, alcoholic beverage, wine-making , beer nonalcoholic industry and wholesale trade. Objects of professional activity of the expert are technological processes and the equipment of the enterprises and the organizations which are carrying out production and a turn of alcohol, alcoholic beverage products, wine, beer and other alcoholic and soft drinks.

Listeners of Institute of Professional Development gain steady knowledge of biochemical and microbiological bases of processes of fermentation; to production technologies of beer, alcohol, alcoholic beverage products, low alcohol and soft drinks, wine, by a technique of technological calculations; on the device and the principles of work of processing equipment of spirit, alcoholic beverage, brewing, nonalcoholic, wine-making productions; on the organization of techno chemical control of production; on indicators of quality of the main raw materials, the semi-finished products, finished goods and methods of their definition.

The list of studied disciplines is extensive. Among them "Technology of fermentative productions and winemaking", "Wine biochemistry", "Biochemical and physicochemical bases of technology of beer nonalcoholic spirit and alcoholic beverage productions", "Food chemistry", "Microbiology of beer, alcohol and wine" both other substantial and important disciplines. All of them are accompanied by practical and laboratory researches which help students to master elements of future profession.

Graduates of specialty successfully find a job at the enterprises of various profile:

  • at the enterprises which are letting out alcoholic and soft drinks, wine-making production (as process engineers);
  • in the trading companies (as managers on purchase and sale of wines in specialized firms);
  • in the design organizations of the food industry;
  • in laboratories on quality control and safety of foodstuff;
  • in tax and customs inspections;
  • in the sphere of public catering, restaurant and hotel business (as the sommelier, wines managers).

Specialty: 1-49 01 71 Technology of chemical fibers

Qualification: process engineer
Education form: the correspondence
Training duration: 22 months

In the Institute of Professional Development training of highly qualified specialists in the field of the chemical industry who will have an opportunity successfully and in full to apply the gained knowledge in the practical work not only in textile and chemical production, but also in many other branches as it knowledge of fundamental laws of chemistry, physics, biochemistry, materials science which are necessary practically in all activities of the person is conducted.

The purpose of the educational specialty "Technology of Chemical Fibers" is training of specialists of the enterprises for production of chemical fibers, threads, films, formation of ideas of modern technological schemes of synthesis the fiber-forming of polymers, processes of filament- forming and regulation of properties of synthetic fibers, threads and the films received by formation from fusions or solutions of polymers.

Objects of professional activity of the graduate in "Technology of chemical fibers" are technological processes of synthesis the fiber-forming of polymers, processes and the equipment of production of chemical fibers.


As a result of training listeners of retraining have to receive idea of the general directions of aprioristic formation of technological schemes in production of synthetic fibers, about a current state of industrial technologies, possible ways of an intensification of available technological processes, importance and the directions of creation of new technologies on the basis of existing technological schemes, methods of an assessment of the technology factors defining stability of processes of formation; to know bases of technology and hardware registration, the problems connected with ecology and labor protection, the directions of a choice of technological schemes, norms of technological modes, the capital processing equipment; to be able to make analyses on quality control of initial substances, the fiber-forming of polymers and finished goods; to own ways of analytical control.

The curriculum of this specialty provides studying by listeners of chemistry and technology of artificial fibers, chemistry and technology of synthetic fibers, chemistry and technology of fibers of a special purpose, chemistry of poly-condensation polymers, the equipment of plants of chemical fibers, chemistry and physics of polymers, physical and chemical bases of formation of chemical fibers and other special and all-professional disciplines.

Specialty: 1-49 01 72 Production technology of baking, macaroni, confectionery production and food concentrates

Qualification: process engineer
Education form: the correspondence
Training duration: 22 months

Listeners of the specialty "Production Technology of Baking, Macaroni, Confectionery Production and Food Concentrates" will gain knowledge of classification and the group characteristic of bread, candy stores and pasta; about types, a chemical composition and properties of the main raw materials; about the production technology of main types of bread, candy stores and pasta; about indicators of quality of the main raw materials, the semi-finished products, finished goods and methods of their definition; about types, appointment, the device and the principles of work of processing equipment for storage of raw materials, production of bread, macaroni and confectionery and their packing; about a state and prospects of development of production of bread, candy stores and pasta; about systems of the automated production of bread, candy stores and pasta.

Upon termination of training the expert will be able:

  • to use the help, standard and design documentation necessary for development of technological process and selection of the equipment in production of bread, candy stores and pasta;
  • to define an expense of raw materials and an exit of finished goods;
  • to count production compounds;
  • to select and control key parameters and modes on all stages of production of bread, candy stores and pasta according to technological instructions;
  • to carry out tests by definition of organoleptic, physical and chemical indicators of quality of raw materials, the semi-finished products, ready bread, candy stores and pasta;

The curriculum assumes studying of the production technology baking and confectionery, the production technology of pasta and food concentrates production technologies of a flour, techno chemical control in branch, food chemistry, processing equipment of branch and other disciplines.

Graduates of specialty will be able to work at bakeries, macaroni and confectioneries, bakeries, the enterprises of small and medium business of various profile, at research institutes, educational institutions.

Specialty: 1-49 01 76 Technology of storage and processing of milk and dairy products

Qualification: process engineer
Education form: the correspondence
Training duration: 22 months

Listeners of Institute of Professional Development, being trained in "Technology of milk and dairy products", acquire all necessary knowledge in production and practical skills. It allows them to solve successfully such production problems as development and deployment of new types of finished goods; increase in volume of dairy products from raw materials unit of mass; increase of economic efficiency of the dairy enterprises by introduction of new ways and technologies of processing of milk, technical re-equipment and improvement of processes of the organization of production; ensuring release of high-quality finished goods in various (non-standard) situations.

In the course of training listeners study the following disciplines: "Processes and devices of food productions", "Bases of cold supply of the enterprises of branch", "The production organization", "Management and marketing in branch", "Processing equipment of branch", "Metrology and standardization", "Chemistry and physics of milk and dairy products", "Sanitation and hygiene of milk and dairy products", "Microbiology of milk and dairy products", "Technology of milk and dairy products", "Sanitation and hygiene of milk and dairy products", "Food chemistry", "Modern types of the equipment of the dairy industry", "New technologies in the dairy industry".

Graduates of this specialty successfully work at various enterprises: dairy plants, the butter- making plants and the cheese-making plants, the milk canned food combines, ice cream factories, at research and design institutes, at joint ventures and the firms connected with processing of dairy raw materials.

Specialty: 1-49 01 77 Technology of storage and processing of meat and meat products

Qualification: process engineer
Education form: the correspondence
Training duration: 22 months

The purpose of the educational specialty "Technology of Storage and Processing of Meat and Meat Products" is formation at future expert of theoretical knowledge and practical abilities in the field of management of technological processes of production of products from raw materials of the meat industry, their optimization on the basis of system approach and use of the modern technological decisions directed on rational use of raw materials and receiving products with set qualitative characteristics.

Graduates of specialty will be able:

  • to organize and conduct technological processes of production of meat and meat products according to technological documentation, to provide output of standard quality;
  • to develop technological process of production of meat and meat products according to standard and technological documentation;
  • to define quality of raw materials, materials and finished goods;
  • to operate the capital processing equipment; to carry out the main technological operations; to analyze the reasons of marriage of finished goods and to develop measures for their elimination;
  • to determine parameters of technological processes by instrumentations;
  • to carry out technological calculations; to use information technologies in professional activity;
  • to count the main technical and economic indicators of activity of a site, shop;
  • to estimate efficiency of a production activity; to provide observance of rules and norms of labor protection, fire safety, industrial hygiene and hygiene on a production site.

The curriculum of this specialty provides studying of applied biotechnology of meat and meat products, metrology and standardization, anatomy and histology of agricultural animals, technology of meat and meat products, veterinary and sanitary examination, sanitation and radiation hygiene, labor protection, processing equipment of branch, management and marketing in branch, technical microbiology, bases of cold supply of the enterprises of branch, the account and the reporting at the enterprises of branch, processes and devices of food productions, the production organization.

Specialty: 1-25 02 71 Finance

Qualification: financier
Education form: correspondence, evening
Training duration: 22 months (correspondence), 16 months (evening)

The purpose of training of specialists in the field of finance consists in formation at listeners of professional skills in the sphere of the organization and functioning of a banking system, insurance, taxes and the taxation, management of finance.

The specialty "Finance" gives a complex of knowledge in the field of the public and municipal finances, bank and insurance business, monetary circulation, financial management, securities market, taxes and the taxation. The specialty assumes studying of processes of formation and performance of budgets of different levels, the mechanism of management of a public debt, functioning of off-budget funds; order of planning, the account and the reporting at the enterprises, in the organizations, establishments; the organizations and managements of cash flows of the enterprises, investment activity of managing subjects; features of the organization of finance of the enterprises and organizations; bank and insurance business.

Professional activity of the expert is carried out in all spheres of a national economy and is directed on service of business activity of the enterprises of various forms of ownership, spheres of the state budget and off-budget institutional structures. Objects of professional activity of the expert are the property, external obligations, own capital, the income, expenses and financial results from the primary operational and commercial activity, and also financial and investment activity of the organizations.

High-quality theoretical and practical training is reached by studying more than 20 disciplines. All-professional disciplines allow listeners to seize knowledge in the field of statistics, microeconomics, economy of the organization, econometrics, taxes and the taxation, marketing and pricing. Studying of these disciplines will allow future experts to seize methods of the economic analysis of a condition of production and management, will help them to organize and conduct practical researches of a social and economic situation on macro - and micro levels, to predict development of social and economic and organizational processes, to develop versions of effective economic decisions, to direct economic services, to seize methods of mathematical modeling and design of economic systems.

Mastering special disciplines assumes acquisition of knowledge of narrower directions of economy connected with functioning of the financial and credit sphere. Disciplines of this cycle allow students to seize the theory of finance, to make an economic assessment of property and investments, to have skills in selection and an economic assessment of investment projects, formation and management of a portfolio of securities, to understand financial and bank statistics and the organization of activity of banks.

Specialty: 1-25 04 77 Examination of consumer goods

Qualification: commodity researcher expert
Education form: correspondence, evening
Training duration: 20 months (correspondence), 10 months (evening)

Examination — this independent research of goods which is carried out by the competent expert. Graduates of this specialization receive qualification "commodity researcher expert" and take a leading place in establishment of the relations in production trade-consumption system.

Creative assimilation of theoretical knowledge, acquisition of practical abilities by experts by commodity researchers is a strategic task as underestimation of value of correctly created range of goods and quality of production, leads need of systematic and purposeful work on its increase to loss of positions of the Belarusian industry in many key industries.

Graduates of specialty will be able:

  • to carry out acceptance of goods by quantity and quality, being a barrier on a way to the consumer of low-quality, obsolete, noncompetitive goods;
  • to carry out expertize of goods, an assessment of their consumer properties that subsequently it will be used at creation of new goods and an assessment of their competitiveness;
  • to carry out work with subjects of the market concerning establishment of economic communications, to the conclusion of contracts for delivery of goods;
  • to carry out the system analysis and modeling in planning of orders, formation of the range of goods in trade organization;
  • to study demand of the population for goods, to make out orders of the industry for their production, to make drafts of contracts with suppliers;
  • to control delivery of goods of the corresponding quality in the necessary assortment;
  • to control existence on sale of the goods which are available in warehouses, and commodity stocks on each commodity group;
  • to provide observance of rules of realization and storage of goods.

In the course of training listeners study theoretical fundamentals of merchandizing, commodity examination, the touch analysis, a qualimetry and quality management, the organization and technology of trade, economy and the trade enterprise equipment, merchandizing and examination food and nonfoods.

Experts of this profile will be able successfully to work in the state, private and cooperative trade; inspectorates for protection of the rights of consumers; chambers of commerce; bureau of commodity examinations; bodies and services of standardization, certification and quality management of the enterprises, firms; in commercial, marketing, trade and advertizing services of the industrial organizations and the enterprises; in checking departments on quality; in scientific and special educational institutions.